AN ACT to appropriate a sum of money to pay the
claims of T. B. Jones, James Brown, B. O. Bow-
en, B. L. Barker, William Mencher, Jas. T. Duke,
J. T. Lyons, George A. Fowler, Jno. French, Jno.
Denton, E. Cecil, John E. Griffin, William Lem-
mon, John Reirdon, Geo. Gibson, R. E. Ireland,
Geo. Robinson, Thomas Tongue and J. T. Ireland.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Comptroller be and he is hereby
Directed to
requested and directed to issue his warrant on the
issue warrant.
Treasurer to pay the parties named, for labor per-
formed in State Tobacco Warehouse, number two,
for quarter ending March the second, eighteen hun-
dred and seventy-four, as per the certificate of the
Comptroller, to T. B. Jones, one hundred and twenty
dollars ; to James Brown, fifty-seven dollars and fifty
cents; to B. O. Bowen, fifty-four dollars and fifty
cents ; to B. L. Barker, fifty-one dollars and fifty
In favor of
cents ; to William Mencher, fifty-one dollars and fifty
cents; to Jas. T. Duke, fifty dollars; to T. F. Lyons,
forty-nine dollars and fifty cents ; to George A. Fow-
ler, forty-seven dollars and fifty cents ; to John
French, forty-seven dollars; to John Denton, forty-
six dollars and fifty cents; to E. Cecil, forty-two dol-
In favor of.
lars and fifty cents; to John E. Griffin, forty dollars;
to William Lemmon, thirty-nine dollars; to John
Reirdon, thirty-eight dollars ; to Geo. Gibson, thirty-
two dollars; to R. E. Ireland, thirty-four dollars and
fifty cents ; to George Robinson, twenty dollars ; to
Thomas Tongue, sixteen dollars and fifty cents, and
to J. T. Ireland, thirty-two dollars.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from and after its passage.
In force.
Approved April 11th, 1874.