and a majority of the stockholders in general meeting
assembled, determine to close the banking operations
thenceforth, it shall not be lawful for the corporation
to resume the exercises of its banking powers and
franchises, but the same shall be closed, and after
the payment of its debts and liabilities, the remaining
assets and property of the corporation shall be divided
pro rata among the stockholders or their assigns.
SEC. 29. And be it enacted, That any and all laws
of this State, inconsistent with, the provisions of this
act, be and they are hereby repealed so far as they
apply to the Bank of Centreville named in this act.
SEC. 30. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
In force
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 11th, 1874.
AN ACT to prevent the catching and destruction
of fish in the waters of the Pocomoke River and
Sound below the village of Shell Town, in Som-
erset county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Shall not use
Maryland, That no person or persons shall take or
or employ.
catch fish with or use or employ in the taking and
catching of fish in the waters of the Pocomoke River
and Sound, below the village of Shell Town, with
any net, seine, pike, fish-trap or any other instrument
consisting of meshes smaller than three inches in
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That any person catch-
ing or taking fish contrary to the provisions of this
act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con-
Guilty of a
viction thereof before any justice of the peace of this
State, shall be punished by a fine of not less than
fifty nor more than one hundred dollars, one-half