SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That the president and
majority of the directors shall constitute a board for
the transaction of the business of the corporation, but
the ordinary discounts may be made or granted by
the president and three directors; and in case of sick-
ness or necessary absence of the president of the bank,
his place may be supplied by a member of the board,
whom the president by writing shall select or appoint
as president pro tempore during such absence.
SEC. 18. And be it enacted, That no director shall
be entitled to receive any pay or emolument for his
services, unless the same shall have been allowed at
a general meeting of the stockholders; and the direc-
tors shall make such compensation to the president
for his extraordinary attendance at the bank as shall
appear to them reasonable.
SEC. 19. And be it enacted, That the president and
directors of the corporation may at any time call a
Call a general
general meeting of the stockholders for any purpose
relative to the institution, giving at least three weeks'
notice by advertisement in some newspaper published
in the town of Centreville, of the time and place of
such meeting ; and any number of the stockholders,
owning not less than one-fifth of the stock of the
corporation, may at any time apply to the said presi-
dent and directors to call a general meeting of the
Refuse to call.
stockholders for any purpose relative to the institu-
tion ; and if the president and directors shall refuse to
call such meeting, the stockholders owning not less
than the aforesaid amount of one-fifth of the stock of
the corporation, shall have power to call a general
meeting of the stockholders, giving notice as afore-
said, and specifying, in such notice, the object of such
meeting ; and it is hereby made the. duty of the pres-
sident and directors of the bank, upon the applica-
tion of stockholders, owners of not lees than one-
fifth of the capital stock, to furnish to such stock-
holders a full and correct list of the names of all
the stockholders of the bank.
SEC. 20. And be it enacted, That the lands, tene-
Lawful to bold.
ments and hereditaments which it shall be lawful for
the said corporation to hold, shall be only such as
shall be requisite for its immediate accommodation
in relation to the convenient transaction of its busi-