unless otherwise directed in the act of Assembly
levying said taxes.
SEC. 2. All property of every kind, nature and de-
All property of
scription whatsoever, within this State, including the
every kind
interest, or proportion in all ships or other vessels,
if registered in a port of Maryland, whether in or out
of port, owned by residents of this State; all debts
secured by or investments in private securities of
every kind, nature and description, except mort-
gages; all shares of stock in any bank, State or
national, or in am institution or company incorpo-
rated by or located and doing business in this State,
whether owned in this State or elsewhere; and all
investments in securities or stocks of other States or
countries, or in any incorporated institution, bank or
company incorporated in any other State, county
(or territory, held by residents of this State,) shall be
liable to assessment and taxation, except as herein-
after provided.
SEC. 3. The provisions of the preceding section
Not apply.
shall not apply to property belonging to the United
States, to this State or to any county, or incorporated
city or town in this State, to houses for public wor-
ship, including parsonages, with the grounds ap-
purtenant thereto and necessary for the use thereof;
all grave-yards, cemeteries and burying-grouncls, the
crops and produce of lands in the hands of the pro-
ducer or his agent, all shares of capital stock of
building associations of which the funds and capital
stock are invested in mortgages on real or leasehold
property, subject to taxation to the extent of such
investment, private libraries not kept on sale, pro-
visions for the use and consumption of the persons
to whom the same shall, belong, and his family,
plantation utensils, the working tools of mechanics
and manufacturers moved or worked exclusively by
hand, and the articles manufactured by them whilst
in their possession or that of their agents unsold,
Not apply
wearing apparel of every description, fish at the time
fishermen may be employed in catching, salting and
packing the same," or while they remain in their pos-
session or that of their agents unsold, household
manufactures, the Masonic Temple in the City of
Baltimore, and lot on which the same stands, and the
stock issued for the building of the same, the Bible