for J. H. Wright, the sum of one dollar and fifty cents ;
In favor of.
for B. T. Biggs, the sum of four dollars and fifty
cents ; for G. W. Berry, the sum of seventeen dol-
lars ; for John Haney, the sum of four dollars ; for
L. D. Jones, the sum of one dollar ; for J. K. Rob-
erts, the sum of sixteen dollars and fifty cents ; for
H. K. Hilleary, the sum of twenty-six dollars and
fifty cents ; for Oden Bowie, the sum of ten dollars ;
In favor of.
for E. S. Hill, G. W. Berry, and W. H. Hilleary,
the sum of four dollars and fifty cents; for R. O.
Mullikin, the sum of forty-three dollars and five
cents; for Charles White, the sum of three dollars;
for William Berry, the sum of five dollars and fifty
cents ; the whole amount of claims of the said C. C.
and R. H. Hyatt, for the use of the parties herein
named, amounting to the sum of thirteen hundred
In favor of
and fifty-eight dollars and eighty cents ; and to Dan-
iel Clark, the sum of .one hundred and sixty-eight
dollars and eighty cents ; and to Daniel Clark,
administrator of William D. Clark, the sum of sixty-
five dollars; and to Caleb C. Magruder, the sum of
one hundred and fifty-one dollars. and sixty cents;
the sum or sums being for moneys erroneously paid
by said parties to inspectors of tobacco in Baltimore
city ; said sum or sums to be paid out of any moneys
in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, standing
to the credit of the tobacco fund.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
In force.
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 11th, 1874.
AN ACT to require all auctioneers making sales in
Baltimore county, to pay a license fee.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Shall, not be
Maryland, That it shall not be lawful for any person
to act as auctioneer in Baltimore county, in making
pale of any real or personal property of any kind or
amount whatsoever, there situate or being, without