SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That chapter thirteen, of the acts of As-
sembly, passed January session, eighteen hundred
and fifty-eight, entitled, " an act amendatory of the
act of Assembly, passed at December session, eigh-
teen hundred and thirty-four, chapter eighty-seven,
entitled an act to incorporate the Trustees of the Ed-
ucation Fund of the Baltimore Annual Conference,"
be and the same is hereby repealed, and the follow-
ing enacted in lieu thereof:
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the second section,
of the act of eighteen hundred and thirty-four, chap-
ter eighty-seven, be re-enacted so as to read as fol-
2. It shall and may be lawful for said corporation
May be lawful
to hold
to have and to hold the said funds, whether the same
shall be in money or other property, real or person-
al, or means now or hereafter raised and provided
as afores'aid, or given by devise or bequest, and such
other moneys and means as may hereafter be paid
or transferred with the sanction of said Baltimore An-
nual Conference to said corporation; and it shall be
the duty of said corporation, and they are hereby
authorized to in vest, in stock or securities, or in loans,
May lay out
and to lay out, as to said corporation may appear
most expedient, the said funds, money and means,
so that the same may produce a certain and period-
ical income ; which said income, after deducting all
necessary expenses, shall be paid over to the Trustees
of Dickenson College aforesaid, by said corporation,
for the support, conduct and uses of that institution,
and the same shall be received as long as said college
shall be under the direction and auspices of said
Baltimore Annual Conference.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the fifth section of
the act of eighteen hundred and thirty four, chapter
eighty-seven, be re-enacted so as to read as follows :
5. Any vacancy or vacancies occurring in saidboard
of trustees, shall be filled by the appointment of said
Baltimore Annual Conference, and in the recess
thereof, to be supplied by the board of trustees,
subject to confirmation by the ensuing annual con-
ference, whether such vacancy occur by death,