of the interest on the bonds or certificates of debt
hereby created, and the balance invested by the
Treasurer in the bonds hereby authorized to be
issued, or other bonds of the State.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the Board of Pub-
To purchase a
suitable lot
lic Works of the State be and they are hereby author-
ized and directed to purchase a suitable lot or parcel
of land, for the purposes of this act; provided, how-
ever, they shall not pay for the same or any part
thereof until they shall be satisfied as to the title to
the same, that it is good, and the owner or owners
thereof shall have conveyed all his, her or their in-
terest in the same, both at law and in equity, to the
State of Maryland, by a good and sufficient deed or
deeds, in fee simple, absolute, to be approved by said
Board of Public Works of the State.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That after the purchase
of said lot or parcel of land by the said Board of
Erect buildings
Public Works of the State, as authorized in the third
section of this act, they are hereby authorized and
directed to erect or cause to be erected, such build-
ings as in their judgment may be necessary for the
purposes of this act; provided, that the entire cost
of the erection of the said buildings and improve-
ments, including the purchase of the grounds and
the furnishing of said building, shall not exceed in
the aggregate the sum of one hundred thousand dol-
lars, appropriated in this act.
Invite sealed
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the said Board of
Public Works of the State, before entering into any
contract for the construction or erection of such
buildings or improvements, as they may deem neces-
sary, upon said purchased premises, shall invite
sealed proposals for said work, upon specifications
furnished, by publication in at least two of the
daily newspapers published in Baltimore city, for at
least ten days beforehand ; and said sealed proposals
shall be opened upon a day and at an hour specified
in said publication, in the presence of all such inter-
ested parties as may wish to be present, and the
Award contract
contract for such buildings and improvements shall
be awarded by them to the lowest responsible bid-
der; provided, that the party or parties entering into
said contract shall first give and execute to the said