Jurors do not
moned do not attend, the said sheriff shall imme-
diately summon as many jurors as may be necessary
with the jurors in attendance to make up the num-
ber of twenty, and from them, each party or his
agent, or if either be not'present in person or by
agent, the sheriff for said party may strike four
jurors, and the remaining jurors shall act as the jury
of inquest of damages.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the said sheriff
oath or affirma-
shall, before the said jury shall proceed to act, admin-
ister to each of them an oath, that he will justly and
impartially value the damages which the owner will
sustain by the use or permanent occupation of the
land required by the United States.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the jury shall sum-
mon such witnesses as the parties may require, and
examine them on oath in relation to the value of the
property to be condemned; and they shall reduce
the testimony, if any be taken by them, to writing,
and after the testimony is closed, and without any
unnecessary delay, they shall ascertain and deter-
mine the compensation which ought to be made by
the United States to the party owning or being in-
terested in the land to be condemned.
Reduce to
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the jury shall reduce
their inquisition to writing, and shall sign and seal
the same, and it shall then be returned by the sheriff,
together with the testimony, if any taken, and
reduced to writing as aforesaid, to the Clerk of the
Circuit Court for the county wherein said land lies,
and shall be filed by said clerk in said court.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the said inquisition
shall be confirmed by said court, if no sufficient
cause be shown by the fourth day of the term thereof,
beginning next after it is filed in said court; and
when continued, shall be recorded by said clerk at
the expense of the United States ; and the United
States shall also pay all the costs incident to said pe-
tition and inquisition in all cases.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That if the said inqui-
Set aside.
sition be set aside, the said court may direct another
inquisition in the manner hereinbefore prescribed.