Baltimore, and also by like notice, to be published
as aforesaid, in one newspaper printed and published
in the county, where the land lies, if any newspaper
be so printed and published ; such notice shall con-
Contain an
tain an accurate description of the land to which the
United States desire to obtain title, and shall state
the names of the owner or supposed owners thereof,
and the place or supposed places of their residence,
or that said places are unknown, and whether said
owners or any of them are feme covert, under age, or
non compos mentis, if such facts are known to the
agent filing such petition, and the public uses to which
the United States desire to put the said land, and
shall require all persons interested in the said land
to come forward on a day to be specified in said no-
tice, and file their objections if any they have, to the
proposed condemnation of said land.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That at the time speci-
fied in said notice, or at the earliest convenient day
thereafter, it shall be the duty of the said court to
Duty of the
taid court to
proceed to hear and determine upon said petition,
rear and deter-
and the objections, if any, filed against the proposed
condemnation ; and the said court may order such
witnesses to be summoned, and hear such evidence
as may be produced before it by the respective par-
ties, to show the necessity or impropriety of the
proposed condemnation ; and if the said court shall
determine that condemnation of the said lands or
other real property ought not to be had, it shall dis-
miss said petition, at the cost of the United States;
but if it shall determine that condemnation of the
land in said petition described, ought to be had by
the United States, it shall pass an order directing
Pass an order
the clerk of said court, under his hand and the seal
of said court, to issue a warrant to the sheriff of the
county wherein said land lies, requiring him to sum-
mon a jury of twenty inhabitants of said county, not
interested in the land to be valued, to meet on or
near the land to be valued, in a day named in said
summons, not less than ten nor more than twenty
days after issuing the same ; provided, five days'
notice thereof be given to the owner, reputed owner
or agent of such owner of the lands proposed to be
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That if at the time
named in such summons, any of said jurors sum-