the Code of Public General Laws, regulating the
inspection of tobacco," be and the same is hereby
repealed and re-enacted as follows :
29. Every hogshead of tobacco of the growth of
this State, that shall remain in any warehouse, after
being sold by the grower, or his agent, for a longer
period than six months, and every hogshead of to-
bacco of the growth of any other State, whether sold
or unsold, that shall remain in any warehouse for a
longer period than four months, the inspector of
Charge for
sucn warehouse shall charge the owner thereof, the
sum of fifteen cents for each month after the said six
SEC. 2. And. be it enacted, That this act shall take
In force
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 11th, 1874.
AN ACT to authorize the United States to procure
the condemnation of lands within the State of
Maryland, for certain public purposes, and ceding
the jurisdiction thereof when so condemned to the
United States.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That whenever the United States are de-
Purchasing or
sirous of purchasing or procuring the title to any
procuring title
tract, piece or parcel of land, within the boundaries
or limits of this State, for the purpose of erecting
thereon any light-house, beacon-light, range-light,
light-keeper's dwelling, forts, magazines, arsenals,
dock-yards, buoys, public piers, or necessary public
buildings or improvements connected therewith, and
cannot agree with the owner or owners thereof as to
the price and for the purchase thereof; or if the
owners or any of them be feme covert, under age,
non compos mentis, or but of the county wherein the