Commissioners, after giving at least two weeks' no-
tice in some newspaper printed in Calvert county,
and by hand-bills posted throughout the county, for
at least two weeks, shall offer at some central place
in each election district in said county, at auction to
Offer at auc-
the lowest bidder, the contract for keeping in repair
for two years from that date the said section of the
public roads, and shall award to the lowest responsi-
ble bidder the said contracts; provided, however,
that said road commissioners, or either of them ap-
pointed under this act, shall not become a bidder,
(for said contracts,) under this section of the act;
and, provided further, that, before said contracts are
awarded, the contractor or contractors shall be requir-
Give Bond.
ed to give bond to the State of Maryland for double
the amount of said contract or contracts, with such
security as the said Board of County Road Commis-
sioners shall direct; and the said bond may be put
in suit for the benefit of any person or persons
suffering by reason of the failure of said contractor
to comply with their contracts, in keeping in repair
the section or sections of the public roads awarded
to them; and in case any of said contractors shall
die during the two years, the County Commissioners
shall have power to provide for the repairs of the
section of said contractors in such manner as they
may deem best.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, No contractor, supervisor
Not to be paid
without certifi-
or laborer shall be paid any thing for his work on
the roads, unless he obtains a certificate from the
Board of Road Commissioners, with the affidavit of
a road commissioner attached thereto, certifying that
the work for which he is to be paid has been faith-
fully done, and that the holder is entitled to the
amount of money which he claims ; and said Board
of County Road Commissioners shall, before enter-
Make oath or
ing upon the discharge of their duties as such, make
oath or affirmation before a justice of the peace for
said county that they will issue no such certificate,
unless they believe the same to be just and proper,
and have personally examined the said work for
which the same is issued, which oath or affirmation
shall be filed with the Board of County Commission-
ers for Calvert county ; and any road commissioner
issuing any such certificate without having person-
ally inspected the work, shall be deemed guilty of a