SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all acts inconsistent
with this act, be and the same are hereby repealed.
Approved April 11th, 1874.
AN ACT to add an additional section to article four,
of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "City of
Baltimore," to be known as section 871 A.
SECTION 871 A. And be it enacted by the General
May cause an
Assembly of Maryland, That the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore city may, whenever they think
assessment to
be made.
the public interest may require it, cause an assess-
ment of all the property in said city, liable or sub-
ject to assessment for city or State taxes, and they
may prescribe the manner in which such assessment
shall be made, and provide for adjusting all differ-
ences in relation to such assessment, and do all other
things necessary for making such assessment.
Approved April 11th, 1874.
AN ACT supplementary to an act passed January
session, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, en-
titled an act to provide for the repair and improve-
ment of the public roads in Calvert county.
SECTION 1. And be it enacted by the General Assembly
As soon as
of Maryland, That as soon as possible after the said
roads are laid off in sections, as required by section
two, of chapter thirty-nine, of the act of the General
Assembly, passed at the January session, eighteen
hundred ard seventy-two, the said Board of Road