and bridge purposes; provided, that any person or
persons so offending, on conviction thereof, as afore-
said, who shall refuse or fail to pay said fine imposed
and the cost thereon, such person or persons shall be
imprisoned in the county jail of the county aforesaid
for not less than ten nor more than twenty days.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
Duty of Sheriff.
of the sheriff, deputy sheriff or constable to whose
attention a violiation of the provisions of this act is
called, at once to report the same to a justice of the
peace, and upon warrant being issued, to arrest the
offender or offenders, and bring him or them before
said justice for trial; any constable who fails so to
report a case of offence, with the name of the in-
former, under this act, when notified as aforesaid,
shall himself be liable to a penalty of ten dollars, to
be recoverable as like penalties are now recoverable.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That any person or
persons who may feel himself or themselves aggrieved
by any judgment rendered by a justice of the peace,
under the provisions of this act, shall have the right
to appeal to the Circuit Court for Baltimore county,
upon the conditions and subject to the regulations
now provided by the general law regulating the
appeals from justice of the peace; but the execution
of the judgment of the justice of the peace shall not
be stayed, unless the party appealing shall give bond
to the State for double the amount of the fine im-
posed, with security approved by the justice render-
ing the judgment, with condition to prosecute his
appeal with effect, or to pay the fine imposed with
all costs.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
In force.
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 11th, 1874.