asylum of the dead should be held sacred, and not
disturbed or interfered with ; therefore —
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That no public roads, streets, lanes or
Shall not be
alleys heretofore laid out, shall be opened through
said lauds, without the consent of said corporation ;
and that the said lands be and the same are hereby
declared to be forever exempt from the passage
through them or construction within them of any
public highway, turnpike, railroad or canal.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That any person who
Wilfully de-
shall wilfully destroy, mutilate, deface, injure or
stroy &c.
remove any tomb, monument, gravestone or other
structure placed in the cemetery aforesaid, or any
fence, railing or other work for the protection or
ornament of any tomb, monument, gravestone or
other structure aforesaid, or shall wilfully destroy,
cut, break or remove any tree, shrub or plant within
the limits of said cemetery, or shall shoot or discharge
any gun or any fire-arm within the said limits, or
shall be intoxicated therein, or be guilty of lewd,
riotous or disorderly conduct therein, shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction
thereof, be lined not less than five dollars nor more
than one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the
county jail not less than one month nor more than
two months, or be both fined and imprisoned as
aforesaid, in the discretion of the court.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That a certificate
under the seal of said corporation of the ownership
The same effect
of any lot in said cemetery, stall in all respects have
the same effect as any conveyance of such lot would
have if executed, acknowledged and recorded as
conveyances of real estate are required to be by the
laws of the State of Maryland ; and that said lots
shall be held by the proprietors thereof, as real estate,
for the purpose of sepulture only, under such rules and
regulations as said corporation may from time to
time establish, and for no other purpose, and shall
not be subject to attachment or execution, nor be
liable to be sold for the debts of any deceased person
who may have owned such lot during his lifetime.
SEC: 4. And be it further enacted, That said corpora-
Make rules
tions shall have power to make all such rules and
and regulations