the manner to be by them prescribed ; and the same
shall be assessed to the proper parties and taxed to
them thereafter and paid as other taxes are required
to be paid.
SEC. 115. The said Mayor and Common Council
may levy annually a tax on the property in said city,
assessed as aforesaid, not exceeding ten cents in
May levy an-
nually a tax
every hundred dollars of the assessed value thereof,
which shall be a lien on the said property, real, per-
sonal or mixed, of the tax-payers of said city re-
spectively, till paid, and interest shall be chargeable
on such taxes after thirty days from the time when
such tax is due and payable ; they may also, in their
discretion, allow a discount not exceeding five per
cent, for prompt payment of said taxes.
SEC. 118. The Mayor and Common Council may
Rcgnlate and
pass all ordinances necessary to regulate or prevent
the going at large in the city limits of horses, cattle,
prevent the
going at large.
sheep, goats, swine, geese or any other brute, beast
or fowl; to regulate and prevent the going at large
of dogs in said city, and provide for the killing of
worthless, annoying or dangerous, dogs; to levy a tax
on dogs, male or female, kept in said city limits; fix
the rates of said tax, and to collect the same from
the owners in the same manner as other city taxes
are in this charter allowed to be collected, and may,
in default of payment of said tax, provide for the
killing of dogs whose owners make such default.
SEC. 119. The Mayor of said city, in case he dis-
approves of any ordinance passed by the Common
Council of said city, may refuse to sign the same, and
shall return the same to the said Common Council
at its next meeting, with his reasons for withholding
his signature therefrom ; and if the said ordinance,
when again put upon its passage, shall receive the
votes of four-fifths of the members of said Common
Council, it shall become a valid ordinance without
the signature of said Mayor.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
In force
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 11th, 1874.