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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3358   View pdf image (33K)
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pose of their appointment by setting up a notice


thereof at three public places in said town, at


least ten days before the time of their meeting; and


that said examiners shall lay off said street accord-

Lay off said

ing to said instructions given them by the said com-
missioners of East New Market, and shall value the


damages done to each owner of property injured


by the opening, straightening or widening said street,
and shall make to the said commissioners of East


New Market, a return in writing of their assessment


of damages, and shall make out and return a plat of


the street as laid out by them.


SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That the commission-

Open and close

ers may pass such ordinances, not contrary to law,


as they may deem beneficial to the town ; may open


and close streets, straighten, widen, and improve the


same, grade and pave the same, restrain all disorders


and disturbances, apprehend and find all vagabonds;


and may impose fines, penalties and forfeitures for


the violation of their ordinances.


SEC. 18. And be it enacted, That any previous acts,


inconsistent with the aforegoing, be and the same


are hereby repealed.


SEC. 19. And be it enacted, That this act shall take


effect from the date of its passage, and the General

In force.

Assembly reserves to itself the right to alter and


amend or repeal this act.


Approved April 11th, 1874.




AN ACT to be entitled a further supplement to an


act, entitled " an act to incorporate companies to


make several turnpike roads through Baltimore


county, and for other purposes. "


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the President, Managers and Com-

Anthorized to
use steam.

pany of the Baltimore andYorktown Turnpike road,



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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3358   View pdf image (33K)
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