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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3356   View pdf image (33K)
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from time to time as often as occasion may require


upon the business of said town, and not less than


once in every three months; and if, during the year


for which they may be elected, one of the said com-


missioners should die, resign or remove from said


town, or be otherwise disqualified, an election to fill


the vacancy, on ten days' notice thereof being given


by the commissioners, shall be held, at which all


persons qualified as specified in the third section of


this act shall be entitled to vote.


SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the said commis-

Appoint a clerk

sioners, or a majority of them, shall have power to ap-
point a clerk and assign his duties, and allow him such
compensation for his services as they may thinkproper.


All ordinances passed by the said commissioners


shall be entered in a book by said clerk, which shall


be kept by him for that purpose, and shall be open


at all times for the inspection of any person inter-


ested, and copies of all ordinances shall be put up in


the most public places of said town.


SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That all fines and forfeit-

Fines and for-

ures, under the ordinances of the said corporation,


shall be recoverable as small debts are recoverable


out of court, before any justice of the peace.


SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the said commis-

Make by-laws.

sioners, or a majority of them, shall have full power

regulations, &c

to make all such by-laws, regulations and ordinances,


not inconsistent with the laws and Constitution of


this State, as from time to time they may deem wise,


equitable, and expedient for the comfort, health,


convenience and prosperity of said town and its in-


habitants for the prevention and removal of nuis-


ances, preservation of health, and suppression of vice


and immorality within the limits of said town; and

Levy taxes

shall have power to lay an equal tax on the assessa-


ble property within said limits, to such an amount as


may from time to time be deemed necessary to ac-


complish the purpose aforesaid; which tax shall be


collected and paid to the President and Commission-


ers by the collector by them appointed, who shall


have the same power to distrain therefor, as the col-


lector of public county assessment has to distrain


for the same ; and the said President and Commis-


sioners shall fix the term of office, amount of bond,


and compensation of such collector.





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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3356   View pdf image (33K)
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