plurality of votes shall elect ; every stockholder shall
be entitled to one vote for every share of the
capital stock standing in his or her name on the
books of the bank, and may vote in person or by
written proxy; the directors to hold over until their
successors are elected and qualified ; the first election
of directors shall take place when not less than ten
thousand dollars of the capital stock has been sub-
scribed for, and any three of the corporators herein
named may open books for subscription to the cap-
ital stock at any time ; the directors shall elect a
President annually from their own number, and
elect such other officers, and make such by-laws,
rules and regulations as may be necessary for the
prosecution of the business of the bank; they shall
call for the capital stock to be paid in as they shall
Call for pay-
think proper, on due notice to stockholders, by in-
stalments, at uniform intervals of time, in sums not
greater than five dollars per month on each share,
and on failure to make such payments, they may
impose uniform fines upon the delinquent stock-
holders, of not more than five cents per share for
each and every such neglect to pay and collect said
payments and fines, by suit or sale of stock at public
auction, after due notice, and transfer the stock so
sold to the purchaser, as the Board of Directors may
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the Board of Di-
In case the
rectors shall have power to increase the capital stock
capital stock
of said bank to the amount of one hundred thousand
dollars, or any part thereof, in shares of fifty dollars
each, and receive subscriptions therefor at any time;
and such additional stock shall be subject to all the
liabilities, rights, immunities and privileges of the
original stock ; the Board of Directors may declare
dividends upon said capital stock, upon an equitable
and uniform basis of calculation of profits, as to the
time of payment of instalments on said stock; pro-
vided, said dividends do not reduce the surplus of
profits of said bank below five per cent, on the
amount of capital actually paid in.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That whenever any de-
Deposits of
posit shall be made by a minor, the Board of Directors
may, at their discretion, pay to such depositor such