AN ACT to make valid the marriage between
Joseph Owens and Eva Shepherd.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the marriage made and celebrated
between Joseph Owens and Eva Shepherd, be and
the same is hereby confirmed, and made valid to
every intent and purpose, from the date of said
marriage, to wit, the twenty-sixth day of January,
eighteen hundred and seventy-four.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
In force
Approved, April 1st, 1874.
AN ACT to pay P. T. Hambleton, a constable for
Talbot county, the sum of forty-nine dollars as
legal fees for serving certain writs of summons to
certain cases pending before George E. Haddaway
and A. H. Seth, justices of the peace of the State
of Maryland, in and for Talbot county.
WHEREAS, P. T. Hambleton, a constable for Talbot
county, was compelled to serve writs of summons in
certain cases known as the oyster cases, pending
before George E. Haddaway and Alexander H. Seth,
justices of the peace of the State of Maryland, in and
for Talbot county, during the month of May, eighteen
hundred and seventy-three; and whereas the said P.
T. Hambleton, has not been paid for his services in
serving said writs of summons; and whereas there
is no provision of law whereby the said county of
Talbot can be made liable to the said P. T. Hamble-
ton, for his legal fees in serving said writs of sum-
mons; and whereas the Comptroller of the State
has no authority under the act of eighteen hundred
and seventy, Laws of Maryland, chapter three hun-