SEC. 25. And be it enacted, That the sum of twenty
to build vessels
thousand dollars is hereby appropriated from the
oyster fund of this State, to purchase or build six
suitable sail vessels, and arm and equip the same for
the service hereinafter specified, which, together with
Arm and equip
other vessels now in the service of the State, shall
be styled the "State Fishery Force," and the Gov-
ernor, Treasurer, Comptroller, Commissioner of the
Land Office, and the Clerk of the Court of Appeals,
shall constitute a Board, to be styled the Commis-
sioners of the State Fishery Force ; and they are
directed to purchase, arm and equip said vessels;
provided, that the Board aforesaid shall, under no
circumstances, exceed the above appropriation ; and
the Treasurer of the State, upon the requisition of
said commissioners, and the warrant of the Comp-
troller, is hereby directed to pay the sum or sums
necessary, not exceeding this and any other appro-
priation hereinafter mentioned, for the purposes
herein specified.
SEC. 26. And be it enacted, That said commission-
ers are empowered and directed to purchase for each
of the guard boats belonging to said force, one
suitable cannon, and such other arms and ammu-
nition as may be necessary to make them efficient.
SEC. 27. And be it enacted, That for the more
Divided into
efficient working of said Fishery Force, the waters
of the State shall be divided into six districts, of
which the waters of Somerset county shall constitute
the first district; the waters of Wicomico and Dor-
chester counties the second; the waters of Talbot
county the third; the waters of Kent and Queen
Anne's counties the fourth; the waters of Anne
Arundel county the fifth ; the waters of Calvert,
Charles and St Mary's counties the sixth ; each of
which said districts shall be guarded by one sailing
vessel, except the second and sixth districts, which
shall be guarded by two sailing vessels, the vessel to
be designated by the Commissioners of said Fishery
Force, and shall be under the general supervision of
the commander of said force.
SEC. 28. And be it enacted, That the Board of Com-
Power to
missioners of the State Fishery Force, shall have
power to appoint a suitable person to command said