proper and visible marks, metes and bounds, which
description shall be reduced to writing, under the
oath of some competent surveyor, and recorded at
the expense of the party locating or appropriating
the same, in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit
Court in the county wherein such lands may be
located; and, provided, also, that such location and
appropriation shall not injure, obstruct or impede
the free navigation of such waters; and, provided,
that no natural bar or bed of oysters shall be so
located or appropriated, and that six months peace-
able possession of all locations of oyster grounds,
under the laws of this State, shall constitute a good
and sufficient title thereto; but should any one,
within the six months hereinbefore provided, be
charged with locating or appropriating any natural
bed or bar hereinbefore prohibited, the question may
be at once submitted, by any person interested, to
the Judge of the Circuit Court in the county where
such questions shall arise, who, after having given
Submit to,
notice to the parties interested, proceed to hear the
testimony and decide the case, and if decision be in
favor of the party locating said five acres, said deci-
sion shall be recorded with the original record of
said five acres, and shall in all cases be conclusive
evidence of title thereto.
SEC. 24. And be it enacted, That if any creek, cove
or inlet, not exceeding one hundred yards at low
water in breadth at its mouth, make into the lands,
right to use.
or that if any creek, cove or inlet of greater width
than one hundred yards at low water mark, make
into the lands, the owner or owners, or othei; lawful
occupant or occupants, shall have the exclusive right
to use such creek, cove or inlet, when the mouth of
said creek, cove or inlet is one hundred yards or less
in width, and when the said creek, cove or inlet is
more than one hundred yards in width at its mouth
at low water, the said owner or owners, or other
lawful occupant or occupants, shall have exclusive
right to use such creek, cove or inlet, so soon as said
creek, cove or inlet, in making into said land or
lands, shall become one hundred yards in width at
low water, for preserving, depositing, bedding or
sowing oysters, or other shell fish, although such
cove, creek or inlet may not be included in the lines.
of any patent.