timore be, and it is hereby authorized to issue bonds,
to an amount not exceeding one million five hundred
thousand dollars, in addition to the amount of two
million five hundred thousand dollars heretofore
provided for; the issue of said additional bonds to
be made on the terms and conditions, and in pur-
Issue addition-
suance of the provisions of an ordinance of the Mayor
al bonds
and City Council of Baltimore, entitled an ordinance
supplementary to an ordinance, entitled " an ordi-
nance to authorize the issuing of the bonds of the
City of Baltimore, for the purpose of providing
means for the improvement of Jones' Falls, approved
January thirty-first, eighteen hundred and seventy,
being number twelve, and to authorize an additional
issue of one million five hundred thousand dollars,
for the same purpose, approved eighteen hundred
and seventy-four.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That such portion
of the bonds of the two million tive hundred thou-
sand dollars issue authorized by the act of Assembly,
to which this is a supplement, as have not already
Registered or
coupon bonds.
been issued, may be issued as registered or coupon
bonds, on the terms and conditions and in pursuance
of the provisions of the above recited ordinance, ap-
proved eighteen hundred and seventy-four, in rela-
tion thereto.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That this act shall
take effect from and after the date of its passage.
In force
Approved, April 1st, 1874.