AN ACT to appropriate certain fines to purchasing
a law library, in the place of the one destroyed by
fire, for the Circuit Court for Washington county.
WHEREAS, By the fire which destroyed the Court-
House in Hagerstown, in the fall of eighteen hun-
dred and seventy-one, the law library belonging to
said court was also burned, making it necessary to
replace the same at a considerable cost and expense,
therefore —
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That hereafter all fines imposed by the
Circuit Court for Washington county, upon persons
convicted in said court of any crime not exceeding
in grade a misdemeanor, shall be collected by the
How used
Sheriff of said county, and used under the order of
said court in purchasing law books for the use of
the public law library in said court.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
Iu force
effect from the date of its passage, and remain in full
force until April the first, eighteen hundred and
Approved, this 30th day of March, 1874.