pay of a policeman shall be eighteen dollars per week,
payable semi-monthly ; and in case the board shall ap-
point detective policeman, they are hereby authorized
Pay of the men
and empowered to do so if they think fit, to the num-
ber of ten, said detectives shall receive each the sum of
twenty dollars per week, payable semi-monthly, and
they shall not be allowed to follow any other busi-
ness or profession, but shall devote their whole time
to the discharge of their duty as detectives; the offi-
cers of police shall be paid semi-monthly, and their
Salaries of the
pay shall be as follows : the Marshal shall receive
twenty-five hundred dollars per annum; the Deputy
Marshal shall receive two thousand dollars per an-
num; each Captain twenty-two dollars per week;
each Lieutenant twenty dollars per week; each Ser-
geant nineteen dollars per week; each Turnkey fif-
teen dollars per week ; the salary' herein provided
for the officers of police, policeman and detectives,
shall continue as long as they hold a commission, or
until a change shall be made by act of the General
Assembly, and it shall be part of the duty of the
Captains, Lieutenants, and Sergeants, whenever a po-
liceman, officer of police or detective is absent from
duty, to report such absence to the board and the
cause of the same, and if said report shows that said
absence is on account of sickness, such report shall
be prima facie evidence of such sickness; and if any
officer of police, policeman or detective, shall absent
himself from duty under plea of sickness, when he
is not sick, such a plea or absence shall be official
misconduct for which said officer shall be discharged
by the said Board of Police Commissioners if they
shall deem proper so to do.
SEC. 816. And be it enacted, That the Board of
Police Commissioners shall cause to be kept by their
Keep record of
clerk aforesaid, a full report of their proceedings,
and also cause all their receipts and disbursements
of money to be faithfully entered in books to be pro-
vided for that purpose, and said books, journals,
and all other documents in the possession of said
Report to Gen-
eral Assembly.
board shall always be open to inspection by the Gen-
eral Assembly of Maryland, or any committee ap-
pointed by it for that purpose ; and it shall be the
duty of the said board to report to the General As-
sembly at each regular session, or as may hereafter
be directed by said General Assembly, the number