Monday in December as heretofore, and that there-
after the regular law terms of said court shall com-
mence on the third Monday of March and the second
Monday of September in each and every year, instead
of the times now prescribed by law, and to each of
said terms juries shall be summoned and returned in
the mode and manner prescribed by law.
SEC. 6. There shall be annually six regular Equity
or Chancery terms of said Circuit Court, the first of
Equity terms
which shall commence on the third Monday of Jan-
uary, the second on the third Monday of March, the
third on the third Monday of May, the fourth on the
third Monday of July, the fifth on the second Mon-
day of September, and the sixth on the second Mon-
day of November, and to which said Equity or Chan-
cery terms of said court, all equity process shall be
made returnable respectively ; and the said Circuit
Court, as a Court of Equity, shall be considered as
always open for the transaction of business therein.
and the judges of said court may pass all such rules
as may be necessary for facilitating the business of
the county.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this act shall
In force
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved, March 31, 1874.
AN ACT to enlarge the powers of the County Com-
missioners of Washington County.
WHEREAS, the County Commissioners of Washing-
ton county, in pursuance of the act of the General
Assembly of Maryland, passed at January session,
eighteen hundred and sixty-four, chapter three
hundred and thirty-four, and in pursuance of the act
of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed at
January session, eighteen hundred and sixty-six.
chapter nineteen, issued bonds of Washington
county, to raise a sum of money to aid in the com-