for excursions from churches, sunday schools and
other moral and benevolent associations, and to hold
camp-meetings or other religious meetings in ac-
cordance with the usages of the M. E. Church, to
ornament, embellish, grade and supply the said
grounds with all necessary roads, and when necessary
to alter and change the locations of roads, and to erect
on same such tenements and houses, and to make such
provisions for supplying water and light as may be
needed in carrying out the design and purpose of the
association, and generally to manage, improve, lease
or dispose of said land, and to do any manner of thing
that said association may deem necessary or proper,
and not inconsistent with the laws of this State.
SEC. 4. And, be it enacted, That Floderada Howard,
William R. Woodward, John T. Mitchell, Benjamin
H. Stinemetz, Matthew G. Emory, John W. Wade,
Thomas Sommerville, Alexander Ashley, Richard
H. Willett, Walter M. Talbot and Israel G. War-
field are the trustees of said corporation, and will
hold their office until the second Monday in May,
eighteen hundred and seventy-four, and until their
successors shall have been duly elected ; that the said
eleven trustees and their successors shall manage the
affairs of the said corporation.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of
the said incorporation is hereby fixed at twenty
Capital stock
thousand dollars, divided into one thousand shares
of twenty dollars each; that any portion of surplus
funds remaining to the association after defraying
all necessary expenses thereof, for purchase of lands,
cost of all improvements, and care of the property,
and after the stockholders shall have received
dividends not exceeding six per centum per annum,
on the amount actually paid in on their stock, shall
be securely invested by the trustees for the sub-
sequent care and improvement of the premises, and
to defray as far as possible, the expenses of the
annual camp meeting, of the association, and for no
other purpose whatever.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the stockholders of
said corporation, at their annual meeting which shall
be held on the second Monday of May of each year,
or at such other time as may be fixed by the associ-