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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 30   View pdf image (33K)
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On motion by Mr. Denson, it was

Ordered, That the State Librarian, be directed to furnish a
sufficient number of Ivory Paper Folders, for the use of the

Mr. Claggett presented a petition of sixty citizens of
Washington county, for the passage of a law, making the
seller or renter of premises for the sale of spirituous liquors
responsible for injuries by such sales.

Which was read and refered to the Committee on Judicial

On motion by Mr. Longwell, it was

Ordered, That the Postmaster of the Senate be, and he is
hereby, required to furnish to each officer of the Senate, the
same amount of postage-stamps furnished at the last session
of the Senate.

Mr. Claggett presented the petition of Perry Prather and
others, for the passage of a law authorizing the sale of the
Methodist Protestant Church in Clearspring, Washington
county, Maryland.

Which was read and referred to the Committee on Judicial

On motion by Mr. Walsh, it was

Ordered, That the Secretary of the Senate, is hereby
directed to have the steps to the several entrances to the State
House and its grounds covered with boards, to remain, during
the winter, as a safeguard against accidents from ice.

On motion by Mr. Blake, it was

Ordered, To be entered on the Journal, that Mr. Brewer is
absent on account of sickness.

Mr. Denson submitted the following message to the
House of Delegates :


January 15th, 1874,
Gentlemen of the House of Delegates :

We propose with your concurrence, that the Committees bn
Printing of the two Houses, be authorized to act as a Joint
Committee on Printing.

By order,



Which was read, assented to, and sent to the House of


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 30   View pdf image (33K)
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