fully executed ; he shall, by and with the advice and
consent of the City Council, appoint all the officers
of said city not named in this act; he shall annually
Duties of the
on the first Monday in May report to the council in
writing the general state of the city, with an accu-
rate account of the money received and expended,
which said report shall be published in one or more
newspapers of said city, giving a full and particular
statement of all receipts and disbursements; he
shall have power to remove any of the officers, agents
or servants by him appointed, for neglect or viola-
tion of any duties pertaining to their respective
offices, and shall appoint others in their stead, and
shall report such removal and appointments to the
City Council at its next regular meeting for its ap-
proval or disapproval ; he shall have general super-
vision of the city; he shall also, by virtue of his
office, be chairman of the trustees of the sinking
fund and of the Board of Health, and shall discharge
all the duties pertaining to such chairmanship ; he
shall receive for his services an annual salary of five
hundred dollars.
47. The Mayor and City Council shall have power
to pass all such ordinances, not contrary to the Con-
May pass ordi-
stitution and Laws of the State, as they may deem
necessary for the good government of the city ; they
may pass ordinances to remove all nuisances and
obstructions from the streets, lanes and alleys, and
from any lots adjoining thereto within the limits of
the city; they may pass ordinances to remove or
cause to be removed any houses or other buildings
that may in their judgment become dangerous ; they
may pass ordinances to cause the streets, lanes and
alleys to be paved, graded, repaired, drained and
sewered ; they may erect or establish market houses
and regulate markets; they may erect or establish
houses of correction, hospitals or pest-houses within
or without the city if necessary, and pass all ordi-
nances for the government of the same ; to pass all
such ordinances as they may deem necessary for the
protection and preservation of the health of the city
and its inhabitants; to pass all ordinances necessary
for the preservation and protection of any of the
city's property, rights and privileges; they may
direct in what part of the city buildings of wood
shall not be erected; may prevent the storage of