AN ACT supplemental to an act, entitled an act to
incorporate the Dulany's Valley and Towsontown
Turnpike Company, in Baltimore county, passed
January session, eighteen hundred and fifty-six,
chapter twenty-four.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Commission to
Maryland, That the President and Directors of the
mark location
turnpike road
Dulany's Valley and Towsontown Turnpike Com-
pany, shall by publishing in at least two of the news-
papers published in Baltimore county, two weeks
their intention to apply to the Circuit Court for
Baltimore county, for a commission to mark and
bound said Turnpike road, and fix the true location
thereof agreeable to the directions of this act, may
apply by petition in writing to said Court, for a com-
mission to mark and bound said Turnpike road, and
upon proof being made to the satisfaction of the
Circuit Court that such advertisements were duly
published as aforesaid, the Court shall issue a com-
mission to three discreet and disinterested persons,
empowering them or a majority of them, to mark,
bound, and locate the aforesaid road, according to
the directions of this act.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said commission
or a majority of them shall cause to be advertised in
one or more newspapers published in Baltimore
county, the time and place of meeting at least ten
days before their meeting, and shall on the day so
advertised meet on the aforesaid Turnpike road, to
proceed in the execution of their commission agree-
able to the notice given by them as aforesai'd ; but
before any commission shall proceed in the execution
of any such commission, otherwise than by giving
notice as aforesaid, he shall take an oath or affirm-
ation before some justice of the peace that he will
locate the road mentioned in such commission, most
agreeable to the true original location thereof, accor-
ding to the evidence and circumstances which shall
nppear to him without favor or partiality, according
to his best judgment, and make a true return thereof.