and protect destitute and homeless boys, to furnish
them with food, raiment and lodging, to stimulate
them to honest efforts to earn a livelihood, to instruct
them after working hours in moral and religious
truths, and in the rudiments of education, to aid
and encourage them out of vagrancy and ignorance,
to rise up into a better life of virtue, industry and use-
fulness and generally to stand in the relation of pa-
rent to such homeless boys.
Life member
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That every person who
has paid or shall hereafter pay the sum of ($50.00)
fifty dollars at one time, shall be a member of said
society for life; and every person who shall have
Life director
paid, or who shall hereafter pay the sum of ($100 00)
one hundred dollars or more at one time shall be a
life director thereof; and every person paying the
sum of ($5.00) five dollars annually, shall be a mem-
ber while he continues to contribute said sum, and
be entitled to vote at the annual election.
SEC 3. And be it enacted, That the property and
concerns of said corporation shall be managed by
twenty-one directors, who shall be elected annually,
by the members of said society, at such time and
place, and in such manner as the articles and by-laws
of said society may appoint; five of said directors
shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of busi-
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That whenever any va-
cancy in said board of directors shall occur by
death, resignation, removal, or otherwise, the same
shall be tilled for the remainder of the year by such
person as the board of directors for the time being,
or a majority of them, shall appoint.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That said corporation
may from time to time, make such by-laws, ordinances
and regulations, relative to receiving inmates into
the home, their management, government, instruction
discipline, employment and disposition, not contrary
to law, as they may deem proper, and may appoint
such officers, agents and servants as they may deem.
necessary to transact the business of said corporation,
and may designate their duties.