tificate of appointment as aforesaid, and shall also
take and subscribe before the said Judge of the
Superior Court, or the Clerk thereof, the oath or
affirmation prescribed by the seventh section of the
first article of the Constitution, and the further oath
or affirmation that in every appointment or removal
to be by them made to or from the police force,
created and to be organized by them under this act,
they will in no case, and under no pretext, appoint
or remove any policeman or officer of police, or
detective, or any other person under them for, or on
account of the political opinions of such policeman,
officer, detective, or other person, or for any other
cause, or reason than the fitness, or unfitness of such
person, in the best judgment of said Commissioners.
for the place to which he shall be appointed, or from
which he shall be moved, and the said oath or
animation shall be recorded and preserved among
the records of said court.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
In force
effect from the date of expiration of the terms for
which the present Board of Police have been elected.
Approved February 3, 1874.
AN ACT to limit the hours of labor in this State
for all minors under sixteen years of age.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That ten hours a day shall constitute a
A legal day's
legal day's work in all cases where labor or service
is performed for another by children under sixteen
years of age.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all persons, and
Penalty for
bodies corporate, who shall compel any child under
sixteen years of age to labor or work more than ten
hours a day, or in any manner violate the provisions