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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 2846   View pdf image (33K)
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Bill to allow town of Bladensburg to dispose
of property in, 866; 907; second, 960, third and
passed, 1145;

Bill to authorize Commissioners of, to subscribe
to stock of W. C. and P. L. Rail Road Company,
933, 934; second, 1004; third and passed, 1132,
1529, 1530.

Senate bill to alter sections 47, 48, 51 and 52,
of, relating to collectors in, 951; second, 1049;
third and passed, 1224.

Bill for new district No. 12, in, 1076; second,
1149; third and passed, 1230.

Bill to cede to United States jurisdiction orer
land in, 1102; second, 1208; third and passed.

Senate bill to alter Act of 1872, chapter 154,
and to add section imposing tax on dogs in, 1163;
second, 1254; third and passed, 1462.

Senate bill to alter Act 1872, chapter 381, re-
lating to hawks, owls and small birds, 1294;
second, 1317; third and passed, 1336.

PREACHERS' FUND SOCIETY—Bill to alter charter of,

PRINTERS AND PRINTING—The, of last House to do
the, of this House, 11; Governor's Message,
5,000 copies to be, 13; Committee of, of two
Houses to act as Joint Committee, 36, 57; 4,000
English and 500 German copies of Report on
Education ordered to be printed, 70; 60 copies
for each member, of the Comptroller's and In-
surance Commissioner's Report to be, 100; 500
copies of Report of House of Reformation of
Colored Childred be printed, 135; the, to deliver
School Report in 30 days, 145; 500 copies of Re-
port of St. John's College to be printed, 152;
1,000 copies of the Report of Commissioners on
Boundary Line between Maryland and Virginia
to be printed, 157; Report of Joint Committee
on, 159, 256; 1,000 copies of Oyster Bill, 320;
200 copies of Oyster Law, 1233; the, to furnish.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 2846   View pdf image (33K)
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