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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 2845   View pdf image (33K)
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POST-MORTEM—See poison.

POST MASTER—The, ordered to furnish members and other
officers with $25 of stamps, 37; the, to furnish
stamp, to send Journal to newspapers, 61; the, to
furnish the Engrossing Clerk same stamps as the
Journal Clerk, 79.

to amend the charter of, 121; second, 239; third
and passed, 280.

PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY—Bill to alter the charter
of Laurel in, 328; second, 619; third and passed,

Bill to incorporate Huntington in, 348; second,
452; passed, 575.

Bill to alter Act 1872, chapter 260, and sec-
tions 28, 29 and 30, of, relating to Bladensburg,
364; second, 464.

Bill to alter section 44, of, also Acts 1872,
chapter 294, 464; second, 498.

Bill to alter section 182 of, relating to weights
and measures, 479; second, 529; third and passed,

Bill to refund money to Thomas Brashears, of,
512; passed, 812.

Bill to regulate adjoining fences in, 528, 854.

Bill to remove gates from roads in, 570; sec-
ond, 623; passed, 919.

Petition of citizens of, for new county, order
about, 658.

Bill to alter Act 1870, chapter 315, relating to
roads in, 699, 914; passed, 973.

Report in reference to Brooke vs. Widdicome,
793, 800; minority report, 833, 839, 1020.

Bill to add section to, title "Sheriff," 821;
second, 1295; third and passed, 1397.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 2845   View pdf image (33K)
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