SATURDAY, April 4th, 1874.
The House met, and was opened with prayer by the Rev.
Mr. Southgate.
Present at the call of the roll, the following members:
Messrs. Hines, (Speaker,) Colton, Merritt, Henkle, Robin-
son, Bird, Turner, of Calvert, Hawkins, Keech, Seth, Val-
liant,Duer, Gordy, Turner,of Cecil, Mackey, Davis, Etchison,
Latchford, Thompson, Kemp, Pruitt, Merrill, Miller, Nico-
demus, Annan, Grafton, Lee, Riley, Williams, McCosker,
T. H. Hamilton, C. R. Hamilton, Gill, McColgan, Joyce,
Groh, Grimes, Stake, Clark, Fletchall, Wack, Park, Waters,
Vanderford, Galt, Brown, Maclin, Stewart, of How'd, Leon-
ard, Bedsworth, West, Glotfelty—52.
Mr. Banks presented a memorial of citizens of Baltimore
county,in reference to the Parkton and Manchester Rail Road.
Which was read and referred to the Baltimore county 'del-
egation .
Mr. Koons submitted the following
WHEREAS, It is proposed to fittingly celebrate the Centen-
ial Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of the
United States from the domination of British authority and
the condition of slavery incident to that relation;
And whereas, It is right and proper that Maryland, being
one of the original States of this Onion, should participate in
this expression of public appreciation of the grandest and
most successful effort ever made in the world's history for
the establishment and permanent maintenance of the rights
of man to self-government, leading by the natural and un-
avoidable logic of events to the final and complete vindica-
tion of his rights before the civilized world as a freeman and
a citizen, entitled, without respect to race, color, or previous
condition of servitude, to whatever had hitherto only been
conceded to favored classes ; therefore,
Be it Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, the
Senate concurring, That we respectfully recommend to the
favorable consideration of the next General Assembly of this
State, the passage of an Act making a liberal appropriation
in behalf of the objects and purposes contemplated in this
most worthy and patriotic effort to perpetuate the feelings
and sentiments which actuated our fathers in the victorious
struggle which they made to secure the liberty and indepen-
dence of our beloved country.