Road Company, to construct and operate their Railroad
within the limits of this State, with proposed amendments:
Strike out all after the enacting clause, and insert in lieu
thereof the following :
"SECTION 1. That the Baltimore, Philadelphia and New
York Eail Road Company, formerly the State Line and
Juniata Rail Road Company, a corporation created by virtue
of an Act of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, approved on
the fifth day April, in the year eighteen hundred and
seventy, and the supplements thereto, are hereby authorized
and empowered to purchase and acquire the corporate fran-
chises, and all the property, real, personal and mixed, of the
Maryland and Pennsylvania Eail Road Company, a corpora-
tion created and existing under the Laws of the State of
Maryland, together with all its rights, privileges and bene-
fits, and under the said corporate name of the Baltimore,
Philadelphia and New York Eail Road Company, to hold,
use, possess and enjoy the same, and to construct, complete
and operate said Railroad so purchased under the provisions
and limitations mentioned and contained in the Act ap-
proved the fourth day of April, eighteen hundred and sev-
enty, chapter four hundred and seventy-six, entitled an Act
to provide for the creation and regulation of Incorporated
Companies in the State of Maryland.
"But the said corporation shall not exercise, in this State,
any powers other than those conferred upon the said Mary-
land and Pennsylvania Rail Road Company, a corporation
created under the Act of eighteen hundred and seventy,
chapter four hundred and seventy-six, and shall not build,
construct or operate any Railroad within the limits of this
State, except such single line of Railroad, with one or more
tracks, as it may construct, build or operate within Balti-
more, Harford and Cecil counties, and in Baltimore City,
within this State, under the provisions of the said last men-
tioned Act; Provided, however, That the property of said
corporation shall be taxed as other property of this State is
now or shall hereafter be taxed by law.
"SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That any mortgage made by
the said Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York Rail Road
Company, to secure the payment of bonds, when properly
executed and recorded in the counties of this State through
which said Railroad may pass, shall be a full and complete
lien upon the property therein described.
"SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the General Assembly of
Maryland reserves the right to alter, amend or repeal this
Act, or any part thereof.