Turner, of B. co., McCosker, Brace,
Banks, T. H, Hamilton, Waters,
Seth, Cooper, Vanderford,
Valliant, McWilliams, Brown,
Sudler, Foster, Maclin,
Coulbourn, Stewart, of B. city, Stewart, of How'd,
Duer, McAleese, West—59.
Johnson, Gill,
Said bill was then Returned to the Senate.
Mr. Seth moved that the vote by which the unfavorable re-
port on
The bill to provide against imposters of the medical pro-
fession was adopted,
Be reconsidered.
The motion prevailed, and,
On motion of Mr. Seth,
The bill was substituted for the unfavorable report.
The bill entitled an Act to repeal section 4, of an Act passed
January session, 1870, chapter 400, entitled an Act to autho-
rize the Frederick and Pennsylvania Rail Road Company to
build a railroad from Frederick city, the terminus of the road
which it is authorized under its charter to build through Fred-
erick and Montgomery counties to the boundary of the Dis-
trict of Columbia, so as to make a direct connection with the
City of Washington, and to re-enact the same with amend-
Was read a third time and passed by yeas and nays, as fol-
Hines, Speaker, Hodson, McAleese,
Bond, Mackey, Greenfield,
Colton, Davis, Joyce,
Merritt, Thompson, Groh,
Robinson, Kemp, Fenton,
Nutwell, Merrill, Berry,
Bird, Koons, Stake,
Turner, of Calv't, Miller, Clark,
Lancaster, Lamar, Watkins,
Hawkins, Nicodemus, Fletchall,
Buchanan, Annan, Wier,
Matthews, Lee, Wack,
Merryman, Riley, Park,
Turner, of B. co., Dawson, Brace,
Banks, Williams, Waters,
Seth, McCosker, Vanderford,
Valliant, T. H. Hamilton, Brown,