ituous or fermented liquors within two and one-half miles of
Brook Hill Meeting-House, Frederick county.
No. 131. An Act to repeal section 7 of the Act of 1870,
chapter 472, entitled an Act to repeal the Act of 1866, chap-
ter 144, entitled an Act to repeal the charter of Denton, Car-
oline county, and re-enact the game with amendments
No. 132. An Act to give and declare the sanction of the
General Assembly of Maryland to certain bequests of the last
will and testament of Temperance Bradshaw, late of Kent
county, deceased, and in the codicils of said will.
No. 133. An Act to authorize the Governor to appoint an
additional Justice of the Peace for the ninth election dis-
trict, and also an additional Justice of the Peace for the
fifteenth election district of Frederick county.
No. 134. An Act to incorporate the German Bank of
No. 135. An Act to incorporate Washington Grove Camp-
Meeting Association of the District of Columbia and Mary-
No. 136. An Act granting the sanction of the General
Assembly of Maryland to the bequest of Hannah Horn, late
of Baltimore City, deceased, to the Maryland Conference of
the Methodist Protestant Church.
No. 137. An Act to confirm an Act entitled an Act to de-
clare the sanction of the General Assembly of Maryland to
the bequest of John Coates, late of Baltimore City, deceased,
to the Trustees of the Methodist Protestant Church, corner
of Lombard and Green streets, in the City of Baltimore,
passed at January session, 1872, chapter 308, approved ——
1st, 1872, and to confirm and declare the sanction of the
General Assembly of Maryland to said bequest of said John
Coates, deceased.
No. 138. An Act to repeal section 94, of Article 1, of the
Code of Public Local Laws, entitled "Allegany County,"
sub-title "Justices of the Peace and Constables," and re-enact
the same with amendments.
No. 139. An Act to prevent the catching, trapping, cap-
turing, taking or destroying in any manner, terrapins or
terrapin eggs, in Somerset county, during the months of May,
June, July and August.
No. 140. An Act to repeal so much of the Act passed at
the January session,1870, chapter 434, entitled an Act to ex-
tend the jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace, in and for Dor-
chester, Kent, Caroline, Calvert, Carroll, Queen Anne's,
Anne Arundel, Prince George's, Harford, Charles and Wor-