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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 2134   View pdf image (33K)
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Be it Resolved by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore,
That in the capacity of the chosen Representatives of the
people, we view with alarm the effort now being made before
the General Assembly, by the Railway Corporations of. the
city, to trample down with impunity the interest of our city,
without her consent, and in direct violation of the wishes of
her people, and the solemn contract existing between the city
and Railway Companies in the provision of said Companies

And be it further Resolved, That we, in the name of the
people, do enter this, our solemn protest, against the passage
of any Act by the General Assembly, assuming to absolve
the Railway Corporations from the faithful performance of
any of the provisions of their charter.

And be it further Resolved, That we call upon all the Rep-
resentatives from the several Legislative Districts of Balti-
more City, and all other members of the General Assembly
who desire to do justice and not injury to the Metropolis of
the State, of which every Marylander should be proud, to
look well to the interests of the city, and use every honoraale
effort to defeat the measure now before them in the interest
of the Railway Companies and against the interests of Balti-
more City, and regard this the people's call for protection at
your hands, and their protest against the passage of the meas-
ure alluded to above, which can only be considered as taking
from the city that which belongs to her, and that without
her consent.

Approved March 17th 1874.




President of the First Branch.

President of the Second Branch.

I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a Reso-
lution of the Mayor and City Council of
(Seal's place.) Baltimore, approved March 17th, 1874,
the original of which is now on file in the
office of the City Register. Given under my hand and the
corporate seal of Baltimore City, this 18th day of March,1874.


Deputy Register.
Which were severally read, and,

On motion of Mr. Seth,
Ordered to be entered on the Journal.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 2134   View pdf image (33K)
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