The Senate bill entitled an Act to amend an Act entitled
an Act to incorporate the National Co-operative Business
Agency Company, chapter 199, of the Acts of the General
Assembly of Maryland, passed 31st day of March, 1870, to
change the name and title thereof to that of the "National
Business Adjuster Company," to reduce the capital stock
thereof, and to revise, re-enact and continue in force the pro-
visions of the said Act.
Which was read a first time and referred to the Committee
on Corporations.
The Senate bill entitled an Act to add an additional sub-
section to section 69 of Article 12, of the Code of Public
Local Laws, relating to Harford county, and the town of
Havre-de-Grace, under the sub-title "Havre-de-Grace."
Which was read a first time and referred to the Harford
The Senate bill entitled an Act to authorize the. State Line
and Juniata, (now Baltimore and Philadelphia and New
York,) Rail Road Company, to construct and operate their
railroad within the limits of this State.
Which was read a first time and referred to the Committee
on Corporations.
The Senate bill entitled an Act to appropriate a sum of
money to remove the water-closets from their present locality,
and place them in the cellar of the State-House, and to make
two Committee Rooms for the use of the Senate, out of the
space now occupied by said water-closets.
Which was read a first time and referred to the Commit-
tee on Ways and Means.
The Senate bill entitled an Act to authorize the County
Commissioners of Caroline county to borrow money for the
purpose of remodelling and improving the court-house in
said county, and constructing the necessary fire-proof vaults
for the preservation of the records and the Court papers of
the Circuit Court and Orphans' Court of said county, to issue
bonds for the payment of the same, and to levy taxes on the
assessable property of said county to redeem such bonds,
and to pay the interest thereon.
Which was read a first time and referred to Messrs. Daw-
son, Williams and Thompson.