On motion of Mr. Freaner,
The House proceeded to the consideration of the bill en-
titled an Act to amend section 8, of Article 4, of the Consti-
tution of the State of Maryland.
Said bill being upon a second reading,
Mr. Keech submitted the following amendments:
Amend by striking out all in 2nd line of section 8, after
the word "Jury," down to the word "and," in line 12 of
section 8, and insert the following in lieu thereof: "And in
all. suits or actions at law, issues from the Orphans' Court, or
from any Court sitting in equity, and in all cases of present-
ments or indictments, which are or may he punishable by
death, pending in any of the Courts of Law in this State,
having jurisdiction thereof, upon suggestion in writing of
either of the parties to said proceedings, that such party can-
not have a fair and impartial trial in the Court in which
the same may be pending, the said Court shall order and di-
rect the record of proceedings in such suit or action, issue,
presentment or indictment, to be transmitted to some other
Court, having jurisdiction in such cases, for trial; but in all
other cases of presentments or indictments, pending in any of
the Courts of Law in this State, having jurisdiction thereof,
in addition to the suggestion in writing of either of the par-
ties to such presentment or indictment, that such party can-
not have a fair and impartial trial in the Court in which the
same may be pending, it shall be necessary for the party
making such suggestion to make it satisfactorily appear to
the Court that such suggestion is true, and thereupon the
said Court shall order and direct the record of proceedings in
such presentments or indictments to be transmitted to some
other Court, having jurisdiction in such cases, for trial."
The proposed amendments were severally read and adopted,
And the bill, as amended, read a second time and ordered
to be engrossed for a third reading.
Mr. Stewart, of Baltimore City, from the Committee on
the Judiciary, (the rules being suspended,) reported, with-
out amendment,
The Senate bill entitled an Act to provide for additional
compensation to Charles E. Hayward and Sewell T. Mil-
bourne, of Dorchester county, and to John W. Crisfield, of
Somerset county, for professional services.
Which was read a first time.
The bill entitled an Act to repeal the Act passed on the
21st day of January, 1820, chapter 70, and the Act passed