Without any experience in this department, without that
training which gives fitness for this place, without any qual-
ification for its duties, except an earnest desire and zeal for
their faithful performance to the best interests of the State,.
I accept the position ; being sensible of my deficiency, I feel
much more sensibly and deeply the honor now bestowed.
In the discharge of the duties thus imposed I shall need,
as I feel well assured I shall receive, your kind indulgence
and forbearance. In the many mistakes which the Chair
may make during the session upon which we are entering,
I feel well assured I shall have your kind indulgence, and
that from the older members of this Assembly the kind Bug
gestions of experience, without which, I feel I shall illy per-
form the duties imposed upon me. Without prejudice, free
from party or sectional bitterness, I shall so endeavor to
conduct its business as shall tend to the best harmony and
kindest feeling. Oppressed as the people of this State gen-
erally are with large taxation, they look to us for a wise
and an economical session; let them not be disappointed.
It would not only be unwise, but out of place for me to in-
dicate in any manner the necessary legislation which our peo-
ple require. His Excellency the Governor, in his message to
the joint Assembly, I have no doubt, will indicate in an able
manner his views upon all the subjects dear and valuable to
the people of our State. Looking for aid from Him who over-
rules the destinies of both men and States, and again thanking
you for the great honor placed upon me, I now call this
House of Delegates to order.
The following members elect were then severally qualified
by the Speaker, in the presence of each other, by taking the
oath of office:
St. Mary's County—Thomas H. Bond, R. Johnson Colton.
Kent County—Samuel A. Merritt, Jesse K. Hines.
Anne Arundel County—Eli J. Henkle, James S. Robinson,
George W. Nutwell.
Calvert County—Samuel R. Bird, John Turner.
Charles County—F. M. Lancaster, D. W. Hawkins.
Baltimore County—Wm. S. Keech, Charles A. Buchanan,
D. Marsh Matthews, Robert Fowler, John Merryman. Lewis
Turner, Jr.
Talbot County—Joseph B. Seth, William H. Valliant.
Somerset County—John S. Sudler, William Coulbourn,
E. F. Duer.