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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 1038   View pdf image (33K)
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The Senate bill entitled an Act regulating the Inspection
of Tobacco.

Endorsed, "Passed by yeas and nays,"

The Senate bill entitled au Act to amend Article XCV1II.
of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Wild Fowl."

Endorsed, "Passed by yeas and nays."

The Senate bill entitled an Act authorizing the County
Commissioners of Allegany county, to take possession of the
Cumberland and Somerset Road.

Endorsed, "Passed by yeas and nays."

The Senate bill entitled an Act to amend the 41st Article
of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Fish and Fish-
eries," sub-title "Patuxent."

Endorsed, "Passed by yeas and nays."

The Senate bill entitled an Act to amend Article XXXVI.
of the Code of Public General Laws, title ''Estrays and Ves-
sels adrift."

Endorsed, "Passed by yeas and nays."

The Senate bill entitled an Act to refund to Charles Clag-
gett and others, monies erroneously paid by them for outage
and storage on Tobacco.

Endorsed, "Passed by yeas and nays."

The Senate bill entitled an Act to amend Ar tide XXX VII.
of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Evidence," sub-
title "Competency of Witnesses."

Endorsed, "Passed by yeas and nays."

The Senate bill entitled an Act to pay Thomas, Dent, a
Justice of the Peace and James H. Saunders, a Constable of
St. Mary's county, for services rendered to Capt. Timmons,
of the Oyster Police Force.

Endorsed, "Passed by yeas and nays."

The Senate bill entitled an Act to amend Article LXXXI.
of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Revenue and
Taxes," sub-title "National Banks."

Endorsed, "Passed by yeas and nays."

The Senate bill entitled an Act to regulate Sheriffs tecs for
Garrett county.

Endorsed, "Passed by yeas and nays."

The Senate bill entitled an Act relating to Public Educa-


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 1038   View pdf image (33K)
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