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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 1037   View pdf image (33K)
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1874.] OF THE SENATE. 1037

The Senate bill entitled an Act to appropriate a sum of
money to enable the Directors of the Maryland Institution
for the instruction of the Blind to pay off an indebtedness
against that Institution.

Endorsed, "Passed by yeas and nays."

The Senate bill entitled an Act to provide tor the appoint-
ment of counsel to represent the State in the matter of Ar-
bitration proposed to be had on the Boundary Line between
Maryland and Virginia, and to appropriate a sum of money
to pay the expenses of such arbitration.

Endorsed, "Passed by yeas and nays."

The Senate bill entitled an Act to refund to Nathan E.
Berry, for the benefit of J. S. Middleton and others, monies
erroneously paid for outage and storage on tobacco.

Endorsed, "Passed by yeas and nays."

The Senate bill entitled an Act to provide for the purchase,
construction and furnishing of suitable grounds and build-
ings for the State Normal School.

Endorsed, "Read a third time and passed by ysas and

The Senate bill entitled an Act for the relief of the estate
of James Spicer, and the sureties of his bond, as Tax Collec-
tor for the years 1850 and 1851.

Endorsed, "Passed by yeas and nays."

The Senate bill entitled an Act making Garrett county part
of the Sixth Congressional District.

Endorsed, "Passed by yeas and nays."

The Senate bill entitled an Act to repeal section 172 of Ar-
ticle XCIII. of the Code of Public General Laws, relating to
Testamentary Law, and to re-enact the same with amend-

Endorsed, "Rejected by yeas and nays."

The Senate bill entitled an Act to repeal section 3.8 of Ar-
ticle XCIII. of the Code of Public General Laws, entitled
"Testamentary Laws," and to re-enact the same with amend-

Endorsed, "Passed by yeas and nays."

The Senate bill entitled an Act authorizing the Commis-
sioner of the Land Office to prepare a map of Garrett and
Allegany counties.

Endorsed, ''Passed by yeas and nays."


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 1037   View pdf image (33K)
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