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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 1033   View pdf image (33K)
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1874.] OF THE SENATE. 1033

first line, the words "sub-section eight, sub-section eleven,
sub-section twelve and sub-section thirteen of Article XXX.
of the Code of Public General Laws, title 'Crimes and Pun-
ishments,' sub-title 'Treason,' being parts of."

Section 2, line 2, after the word "that/' insert "sub-sec-,
tion eight, sub-section eleven, sub-section twelve and sub-
section thirteen of the Code of Public General Laws, title
'Crimes and Punishments,' sub-title 'Treason,' being parts


Which were concurred in, and

Said bill, as amended, was passed by yeas and nays fol-
lows :


Messrs. President, Longwell,

Blake, Lloyd,

Billingsley, Mudd,

Crawford, McCulloh,

Claggett, Stevens,

Davis, Steiner,

Earle, Spencer,

Getty, Tuck,

Knight, Walsh—18.

Mr. Brewer—1.

The Senate bill entitled an Act to appropriate a sum of
money for the use and benefit .of the House of Reformation
and Instruction for Colored Children, in Prince George's

With the following proposed amendment:

Section 2, line 5, insert "provided, that the said Board of
Managers shall adopt plans, prepare specifications, invite
proposals, and enter into contract with responsible persons,
to be approved by the Board of Public Works, that the above
appropriation will complete the building or buildings con-
templated by this Act."

Which was concurred in, and

Said bill, as amended, was passed by yeas and nays as fol-
lows :


Messrs. President, Knight,

Brewer, Longwell,

Billingsley, Lloyd,



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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 1033   View pdf image (33K)
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