of only forty feet, instead of sixty feet throughout its ex-
tension northerly from Baltimore street, and that the said
Poppleton street, when hereafter laid out and opened shall
be laid out and opened only of said width of forty feet
CHAP. 85.
Approval required
northerly as aforesaid, from Baltimore street; Provided how-
ever, that the provisions of this act shall have no force or
effect, unless the same be approved by the Mayor and ci-
ty Council of Baltimore, and Provided also, that said Bas-
tian, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, shall
cede his, or their right as aforesaid, to said ground of said
alley when requested, and in manner and form as shall be
prescribed by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore,
for the uses and purposes of Poppleton street aforesaid.
And provided
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That before the Mayor and
city Council of Baltimore, shall pass any ordinance or re-
solution approving the provisions of this act, they shall first
give public notice of the application which may be made
for the purpose, by advertisements inserted for one week.
in all the newspapers of the city of Baltimore; the expen-
ses of which advertisements shall be paid by the party or
parties making the said application.
Public notice re-
A supplement to an act, entitled, an act, to incorporate the
Commercial Saving's Institution of Baltimore.
Passed Jan. 8, 1834
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, Gnat the joint stock of the Commercial Sav-
ings Institution, shall be divided into chares of twenty-six
Stock divided into
dollars each, and that any member of or weekly depositor
in said institution, shall be entitled to receive a certificate
for a share of the joint stock of said institution, for each
and every sum of twenty six dollars, by him or her previ-
ously deposited in said institution; or which may hereaf-
ter be regularly deposited in sums not exceeding five dol-
lars nor less than one dollar, during the term of one year
Stockholder defin-
or more; which joint stock shall be transferable only on a
book or books to be kept by said institution for that pur-
pose, and by the stockholder appearing in person or by
attorney to make such transfer, but no deposites after be-
ing so converted into joint stock shall be subject to be
Stock transferable