assembly, that the public road near to Pocomoke sound,
and leading to little Annamessic, in said county, is unne-
cessarily circuitous by reason of a water course, called
Johnstons' creek, and that by a short road and a bridge
across the said creek, the convenience and interests of the
said inhabitants would be greatly promoted — and that a
public landing is also wanted on said creek, whose navi-
gable distance is nearly fifteen miles, through a dense po-
pulation of the county — AND WHEREAS, the said inhabi-
tants have prayed that an act may pass authorising a pub-
lic road, bridge and landing for public convenience and be-
nefit; — Therefore,
CHAP. 3.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly oj
Maryland, That the Justices of the Levy court, of Som-
erset county, at their next meeting after the passage of this
act, or as soon thereafter as may be, shall appoint three dis-
interested commissioners, whose duty it shall be to survey,
lay out, and provide for the constructing of a road in the
said county, to commence at the road on the line between
the lands of Benjamin McCready, and John S. Handy, es-
quires, thence by a straight course with the said MeCrea-
dy's line to Johnston's creek, over which a bridge shall be
erected as hereinafter is provided; thence with the same
straight course, and with the line between the lands of
Job Moore, and Elisha Riggin, junr. esquires, to the old
county road.
Commissioners to
lay out and sur-
vey— directions
Sec. 2. And he it enacted, That the commissioners ap-
pointed by the levy court as aforesaid, or a majority of
them, shall value and assess the damages that may be sus-
tained by any person or persons, through whose lands the
said road may pass, taking into consideration the advan-
tages and disadvantages if any; and the damages so ascer
tained, (if any) shall be levied and assessed as other
county charges.
Value damages
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the said commis-
sioners before they proceed to act, shall take an oath or
affirmation, before some justice of the peace, that they will
without favor, prejudice or partiality, assess the damages
sustained- by the persons through whose lands the said
road may pass.
Oath requited
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the said justices of the Levy court, to provide for the con-
struction of a bridge across said Johnstons' creek, and the
loeation of a public landing at some suitable point or place
on said creek.
Bridge and Cause-