every three hundred and twenty pounds nett weight, to~be
paid by the person or persons in possession of the plaster
paris inspected, at the time of inspecting the same, and
that the compensation allowed by this act to the inspector
aforesaid, shall be recoverable by action of debt in the
name of the said inspector, in the same way and before
the same tribunal which has jurisdiction over other cases
of debt of equal amount.
CHAP. 276.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the third, fourth, fifth
and sixth sections of the act, to which this act is a supple-
ment, be and the same are hereby repealed.
Sections repealed
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That from any judgment ren-
dered by any justice of the peace, in pursuance of this act,
or of the act to which this is a supplement, either party to
such judgment may appeal to Baltimore county court, in
the same manner, and under the same regulations as is al-
lowed from judgments rendered by justices of the peace,
in cases of small debts.
Appeal provided
A supplement to an act, entitled, an act concerning the
amendment of Judicial Proceedings.
Passed Mar.15.1834
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That in all actions of ejectment, now pending
or hereafter to be instituted in any of the courts ojf law of
this state, the declaration may be so amended as to bring
the true merits of the controversy fairly to trial; Provided,
that no new party be added except ia cases where new
parties may be made according to existing law and usage,
and that in all cases of a joint holding by two or more
Declaration may be
persons, they may declare on a joint demise whether they
hold as joint tenants, tenants in common or in any other
Case of joint hold
Sec. 2. And 6e it enacted, That no advantage shall here-
after be taken by any plea in abatement or otherwise of a
nonjoinder or misjoinder of parties against whom any suit
or action may hereafter be brought.
Plea of non joinder
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That if title be shewn in any
of the lessors of the plaintiff, it shall be sufficient to au
thorise him to recover to the extent of such title, though