CHAP. 275,
Passed May. 15,1834
A supplement to an act, entitled, an act, to provide for the
Inspection of Plaster Paris, in the city of Baltimore,
passed at December session, eighteen hundred and thirty-
two, chapter two hundred and eighty two.
Sale without in-
spection forbid
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by Hie General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this, it shall
not be lawful to sell, or pose or offer for sale, any ground
plaster paris, within the limits of the city of Baltimore,
whether the same be in barels, kegs or corks, unless the
same shall have been first inspected and markeed by the in-
spector appointed by virtue of the act, to which this act is a
supplement, or some one of his deputies legally appointed,
under the penalty of twenty dollars for each and every vio-
lation of this act, to be recovered by action of debt in the
name of the state of Maryland, before any justice of the
peace of the state of Maryland, in und for the city of Bal-
timore; the one half to the use of the informer, the other
half to the use of the state of Maryland; and that all pro-
ceedings before said justice, shall be such as an; now au-
thorised by law in cases of small debts under his jurisdic-
Inspector's duty
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the inspector appointed by virtue of the act, to which
this act is a supplement, to inspect all ground plaster pa-
ris, which may hereafter be exposed or offered for sale, or
sold, within the limits of the city of Baltimore, whether the
same be contained in barrels, kegs or casks, and to put
proper marks on the same, denoting the place of inspec-
tion, and the quality and weight of plaster paris, contain-
ed in each barrel, keg or cask, making the proper allow-
ance for the weight of the barrel, keg or cask, in which
said plaster paris may be contained, according to the best
of his judgment.
Inspector's fees
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That for the inspection of
every barrel of plaster paris, containing three hundred and
twenty pounds nett, the said inspector shall from and af-
ter the passage of this act, be allowed the sum of six
cents, to be paid by the person or persons in possession
of the same at the time of inspection, and for the inspec-
tion of every barrel, keg or cask, containing either more
or less than three hundred and twenty pounds nett, the
said inspector shall be allowed at the rate of six cents for