CHAP. 265.
Assess and value
land and damage
giving at least four weeks' public notice, in two or more
of the most public places of the county, to assess the value
of the land which may be deemed necessary for that pur-
pose, taking into consideration the advantages and disad-
vantages attendant upon the erection of the light house,
and they shall also be authorised to ascertain and assess a
reasonable allowance for the use and privilege of a road,
from the land aforesaid, through the lands of any proprie-
tor or proprietors, if such road shall be deemed necessary;
and the decision of the commissioners aforesaid shall be
considered final and conclusive between the parties, unless
an appeal shall be prosecuted afterwards in the manner
hereinafter provided.
Title and jurisdic-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the United States, upon
the payment, or offer of payment, to the proprietor or pro-
prietors, of the amount or value which may be ascertained
and assessed by the said commissioners, or by the appel-
late tribunal hereinafter provided for, (as the case may be,)
shall thenceforward be considered the true and lawful
owners of the said land, and of the right and privilege of a
way thereto; and thereupon the right of jurisdiction of the
State of Maryland, in and over the land aforesaid, shall be
and the same is hereby relinquished, ceded and made over
to the United States for the purposes aforesaid.
Appeal provided
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That if the owner or owners
of the land so valued, assessed and condemned for the site
of the said light house or road, his her or their guar-
dian or guardians, trustee or trustees, shall conceive
him, her or themselves aggrieved by the valuation or as-
sessment of the commissioners aforesaid, and shall inform
the said commissioners thereof, and of thejr intention to
appeal in writing within ten days after they are notified of
such valuation and assessment, it shall be the duty of the
said commissioners, and they are hereby empowered to issue
their warrant to the sheriff of the county, commanding him
to summon twelve disinterested freeholders of the county
aforesaid, who are qualified to serve as jurors in the county
court, to appear on a day to be appointed by the said com-
missioners, on the premises, and an oath shall be adminis-
tered by either of the said commissioners, or an affirmation,
as the case may be, to every person so summoned, to the
effect, that he will without favour or prejudice, assess the
value of the land taken from the person or persons making
the appeal, for the purpose of the light house or road, and
also the disadvantages sustained by the party so appealing,