CHAP. 257.
Howell, fifteen dollars each, payable to Mackall J. Cox, or
order for their use, to Mary Beavin thirty dollars, and to
Abraham Vannett, forty dollars, and the Levy court or
commissioned are hereby required to levy the same, to
Green Brashear and Sarah Davis, each twenty five dollars;
in Montgomery county, Drucella Easton, twenty-five dol-
lars, Elias Gardenner, thirty dollars, Mary Power, thirty
dollars, Helen Wathen, thirly dollars, Ann Gentle, (the
daughther of Elizabeth Gentle,) thirty dollars, Joseph Rat-
cliff' thirty dollars, the infant children of Greenbury Biggs
and George Bigg, deceased, thirty dollars, Ruth Reed,
twenty five dollars, Lucinda Burnss, thirty dollars, Mary
Riley, thirty dollars, Joseph Ball thirty dollars, and Mas-
sey Dowden, thirty dollars; in Chatles county, Elizabeth
Knot, a sum not exceeding forty dollars, Mary Smith, a
sum not exceeding forty dollars, John T. Bowling, twenty
dpllars, John R. Lucas, a sum not exceeding forty dollars,
Thomas Sutton, thirty dollars, Violetta Freeman, twenty
dollars, payable to William D. Merricck or order, Sarah
Hunt twenty dollars, payable to same or order, Catharine
Willet forty dollars, payable to Philip J. Ford or order,
Sarah Garner, twenty five dollars, and Catharine Actor,
widow of Joltn S. Actor thirty dollars; in Worcester county,
the Levy court or commissioners are hereby required to
levy the following sums: to Polly Massey, twenty dollars,
Maria Berry, forty dollars, Hemietta Porter, twenty five
dollars, and Polly Jones thirty dollars; in Cecil county, the
commissioners are hereby authorised and required to levy
the following sums: to Martha Gill, twenty dollars, Robert
Harris twenty-five dollars, Sarah Fisher, twenty dollars,
Hester Egan, thirty dollars, and Letilia Thompson, twenty
five dollars; in Talbot county, Mary Ann Pasterfield, Su-
san Martin, Elizabeth Berridge and Elizabeth Smith, each
twenty- five dollars: in Frederick county the Levy court are
hereby authorised and required to levy the following sums:
to Susan Ader, thirty-five dollars, Barbara O'neall, thirty
four dollars, Frederick Gardener, sixty dollars, and Matilda
Q. Anne's
Hagen, thirty five dollars; in Queen Anne's county the Le-
vy court are hereby authorised and required, to levy the
following sums: to Elizabeth Legg, twenty dollars, James
Stafford, fifteen dollars, and Joseph William Wallace,
Baltimore City
twenty-five dollars; in the city of Baltimore the Levy court
or commissioners are required to levy to Mary Wells the
sum of thirty dollars; in Kent county the Levy court shall,
and they are hereby required to Levy for John Ryland,the
sum of twenty dollars.